International Vitiligo Center








We are running or are involved as collaborators in several national and international academic projects regarding response to current and novel treatments, regulation of pigment cells, genetic profile and immunological aspects of vitiligo.

The current projects are:

  • Optimization of UV-treatment: We are focused on constantly optimizing the treatment regimen for light treatment of generalized vitiligo, to maximize the benefits and minimize the side effects for our patients. Recently we brought in a new device for targeted UVB-treatment, whereby only the actual white spots are treated with an intense focused light at the optimal wavelength and the surrounding, normally pigmented, skin is spared.
  • Vitiligo autoantigen identification: In a previous collaboration we have been part of identifying SOX10 as the autoantigen related to vitiligo in patients with the syndrome Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome type I (APSI). We are now in collaboration with Dr Hedstrand and Dr Hagforsen at Uppsala University, trying to identify new autoantigens by screening human melanocyte cDNA-libraries with sera from patients with halonevi, paraneoplastic vitiligo and patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.
  • Evaluation of clinical trials of an immunomodulating drug in the treatment of generalized vitiligo.
  • Expression microarray to compare the level of specific melanocyte mRNAs from vitiligo donors with mRNAs purified from normal control individuals and melanomas. Fig 1.
  • Development of cultivation systems for adult human melanocytes (pigment cells) in defined conditions that has revolutionized the possibilities in vitiligo research and treatment.
  • Extensive research and developmental work at Uppsala University, Sweden and Yale University, USA, has previously been put into development of cell culture methods and surgical methods for restoring the lack of pigmentation in diseases such as vitiligo and piebaldism. Today, these methods are considered to be the Gold Standard in the area of surgical intervention. For more information please refer to the books to which we have contributed:

-Vitiligo and Piebaldism, Treatment of Leucoderma by Transplantation of autologous melanocytes. Publication year 2001, ISBN: 91-554-5080-6.

-Surgical Management of Vitiligo, published 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK, ISBN: 978-1-4051-4521-3.



After more than 25 years in the field we know Vitiligo and how to fight it!








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Together with Colorado University in USA (Professor Richard Spritz) we are conducting a new vitiligo study there we look on what specific genes are involved in the development of vitiligo. At the Vitiligo Society meeting in Stockholm , May 24 2014, we will collect samples from all patients who would like to participate in the study. The sample is easy to collect (just a saliva sample), and there is no costs involved in participation. This type of study aim to understand the underlying factors better and thereby in the near future be able to direct a more precise and effective treatment.

For more information about the Vitiligo Society meeting, see Link below.


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New Vitiligo device:

In September 2011 The International

Vitiligo Center has finalized an agreement

to be a European agent for the new targeted (focused) UBV device Levia® for the effective treatment of vitiligo.


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Uppsala University






International Vitiligo and Transplantation Center for pigmentary skin disorders: Stockholm, Uppsala, London, New York, Riyadh, Paris, Los Angeles, Moscow, Bern, Genève, Geneva, Lausanne, Hamburg, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Oslo, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Dubai, Abu Dhabi